I prefer to buy natural and/or organic products because I feel better about not having random chemicals that may do weird things as they absorb into my skin. So I read the labels on a few different kinds of soap, looked at the prices, smelled them, and decided on a Hugo Naturals soap. I looked around for some corresponding lotion, but a couple trips up and down the aisle proved fruitless. So instead I decided to go with the Burt's Bees hand soap because there was a bottle of lotion right next to it. Very convenient.
We finished our shopping with much yelling from Chubbs and a bit of shock on my part in regards to how much the bill was.
When we got home, I put all the groceries away, washed my hands with the new soap (grapefruit ginger!), and rubbed some of the new lotion (shea butter and milk) into my hands. It was a little sticky, but it eventually absorbed and felt pretty nice.
That evening when Chris got home, he noticed my purchase. "So you went ahead and made an executive decision on the soap? It had better smell good." To test it he washed his hands and approved of the grapefruit ginger smell.
"But why'd you get two kinds of soap?"
Oh. That would explain the stickiness. And why I thought Burt's Bees was the only one to have lotion right next to the hand soap.